behavioral Architecture Reference

lpgbtfpga_uplink - Uplink wrapper (top level) More...

Detailed Description

lpgbtfpga_uplink - Uplink wrapper (top level)

The lpgbtfpga_uplink module receives the data from the transceiver and decode them to generate the User frame. It supports the 4 following configurations:

  • *(FEC5 / 5.12 Gbps)*: User data output is 112bit (can correct up to 5 consecutives bits)
  • *(FEC12 / 5.12 Gbps)*: User data output is 98bit (can correct up to 12 consecutives bits)
  • *(FEC5 / 10.24 Gbps)*: User data output is 230bit (can correct up to 10 consecutives bits)
  • *(FEC12 / 10.24 Gbps)*: User data output is 202bit (can correct up to 24 consecutives bits)

Definition at line 82 of file lpgbtfpga_uplink.vhd.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:


dataInPipeliner_proc  ( uplinkClk_i , datapath_rst_s )
 Data input pipeline.
syncShIFtReg_proc  ( datapath_rst_s , uplinkClk_i )
 Multicycle path configuration.
readySync_proc  ( uplinkClk_i , datapath_rst_s )
 Generate ready SIGNAL from the reset (2 clock cycle delay)


lpgbtfpga_framealigner  <Entity lpgbtfpga_framealigner>
 Word ration: frameclock / mgt_wordclock.
lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox  <Entity lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox>
 Header bits from the MGT word (compared with c_headerPattern)
lpgbtfpga_deinterleaver  <Entity lpgbtfpga_deinterleaver>
 Ready SIGNAL.
lpgbtfpga_decoder  <Entity lpgbtfpga_decoder>
 Uplink de-interleaver component.
lpgbtfpga_descrambler  <Entity lpgbtfpga_descrambler>
 Uplink decoder component.


sta_headerFlag_s  std_logic
sta_dataflag_s  std_logic
rst_gearbox_s  std_logic
sta_headerLocked_s  std_logic
gbxFrame_s  std_logic_vector ( 255 downto 0 )
gbxFrame_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 127 downto 0 )
sta_gbRdy_s  std_logic
rst_pattsearch_s  std_logic
datapath_rst_s  std_logic
fec5_data_from_deinterleaver_s  std_logic_vector ( 233 downto 0 )
 Data from de-interleaver (FEC5)
fec5_fec_from_deinterleaver_s  std_logic_vector ( 19 downto 0 )
 FEC from de-interleaver (FEC5)
fec12_data_from_deinterleaver_s  std_logic_vector ( 205 downto 0 )
 Data from de-interleaver (FEC12)
fec12_fec_from_deinterleaver_s  std_logic_vector ( 47 downto 0 )
 FEC from de-interleaver (FEC12)
fec5_data_from_decoder_s  std_logic_vector ( 233 downto 0 )
 Data from decoder (FEC5)
fec12_data_from_decoder_s  std_logic_vector ( 205 downto 0 )
 Data from decoder (FEC12)
fec5_data_from_descrambler_s  std_logic_vector ( 233 downto 0 )
 Data from descrambler (FEC5)
fec12_data_from_descrambler_s  std_logic_vector ( 205 downto 0 )
 Data from descrambler (FEC12)
fec5_correction_s  std_logic_vector ( 233 downto 0 )
 Correction flag (FEC5)
fec12_correction_s  std_logic_vector ( 205 downto 0 )
 Correction flag (FEC12)
rdy_0_s  std_logic
 Ready register to delay the ready SIGNAL.
rdy_1_s  std_logic
 Ready register to delay the ready SIGNAL.
UserData_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 229 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 10g24 datarate configuration (User data)
EcData_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 10g24 datarate configuration (EC)
IcData_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 10g24 datarate configuration (IC)
UserData_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 229 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 5g12 datarate configuration (User data)
EcData_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 5g12 datarate configuration (EC)
IcData_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink output for 5g12 datarate configuration (IC)
uplinkCorrData_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 229 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 10g24 datarate configuration (User data)
uplinkCorrEc_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 10g24 datarate configuration (EC)
uplinkCorrIc_10g24_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 10g24 datarate configuration (IC)
uplinkCorrData_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 229 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 5g12 datarate configuration (User data)
uplinkCorrEc_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 5g12 datarate configuration (EC)
uplinkCorrIc_5g12_s  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Uplink correction flag output for 5g12 datarate configuration (IC)
frame_pipelined_s  std_logic_vector ( 255 downto 0 )
 Store input data in register to ensure stability.
clkEnOut_s  std_logic
rst_synch_s  std_logic


keep  string
 Uplink datapath.
keep  frame_pipelined_s : signal is " true "
 Avoid register optimization for multicycle writing.


lpgbtfpga_framealigner_inst  lpgbtfpga_framealigner <Entity lpgbtfpga_framealigner>
rxgearbox_10g24_inst  lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox <Entity lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox>
rxgearbox_5g12_inst  lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox <Entity lpgbtfpga_rxGearbox>
lpgbtfpga_deinterleaver_inst  lpgbtfpga_deinterleaver <Entity lpgbtfpga_deinterleaver>
lpgbtfpga_decoder_inst  lpgbtfpga_decoder <Entity lpgbtfpga_decoder>
lpgbtfpga_descrambler_inst  lpgbtfpga_descrambler <Entity lpgbtfpga_descrambler>