behavioral Architecture Reference

lpgbtfpga_txGearbox ARCHITECTURE- Tx Gearbox More...

Detailed Description

lpgbtfpga_txGearbox ARCHITECTURE- Tx Gearbox

The txGearbox implements a register based clock domain crossing system. Using different clock for the input and output require a special attention on the phase relation between these two signals.

Definition at line 47 of file lpgbtfpga_txgearbox.vhd.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:


rst_pipeline_proc  ( rst_gearbox_i , clk_inClk_i )
gbRstSynch_proc  ( rst_gearbox_s , clk_outClk_i )
pipeline_proc  ( clk_outClk_i )
gb_proc  ( gearboxSyncReset , clk_outClk_i )
PROCESS_0  ( clk_outClk_i )


c_oversampling  integer := c_clockRatio / ( c_inputWidth / c_outputWidth )


gearboxSyncReset  std_logic
rst_gearbox_s  std_logic
txFrame_from_frameInverter_pipe_s  std_logic_vector ( c_inputWidth - 1 downto 0 )
in_txFrame_from_frameInverter_s  std_logic_vector ( c_inputWidth - 1 downto 0 )
txFrame_from_frameInverter_reg_s  std_logic_vector ( c_inputWidth - 1 downto 0 )
txWord_beforeOversampling_s  std_logic_vector ( ( c_inputWidth / c_clockRatio ) - 1 downto 0 )
dat_outFrame_s  std_logic_vector ( ( c_outputWidth - 1 ) downto 0 )