lpgbtfpga_framealigner - MGT word aligner (Pattern search) More...
Detailed Description
lpgbtfpga_framealigner - MGT word aligner (Pattern search)
Check IF the header set on dat_word_i is equal to the c_headerPattern everytime a full loop has been executed (c_wordRatio clock cycles). Manage the bitslip SIGNAL to shift the mgt parallel word until the header is aligned.
Definition at line 57 of file lpgbtfpga_framealigner.vhd.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /mnt/lpgbt-fpga-sources/uplink/lpgbtfpga_framealigner.vhd
Processes | |
rxWordPipeline_proc | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
clkSlipProcess | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
MGT: Bitslip controller. | |
patternSearch_proc | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
Pattern searcher: check the header and ask for bitslip. | |
patternSearchAddr_proc | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
Pattern search address controller. | |
lockFSM_proc | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
Header locked state machine. | |
headerLocked_sync | ( rst_pattsearch_i , clk_pcsRx_i ) |
Types | |
rxBitSlipCtrlStateLatOpt_T | is ( e0_idle , e4_doBitslip , e5_waitNcycles ) |
Signals | |
state | machine |
psAddress | integer range 0 to c_wordRatio |
shiftPsAddr | std_logic |
bitSlipCmd_s | std_logic |
headerFlag_s | std_logic |
sta_headerLocked_s | std_logic |
bitSlipCounter_s | integer range 0 to c_wordSize + 1 |
cmd_bitslipDone_s | std_logic |
sta_bitSlipEven_s | std_logic |
stateBitSlip | rxBitSlipCtrlStateLatOpt_T |
dat_word_s | std_logic_vector ( c_headerPattern ' length - 1 downto 0 ) |