lpgbtfpga_downlink Entity Reference
lpgbtfpga_downlink - Downlink wrapper (top level) More...
Inheritance diagram for lpgbtfpga_downlink:

Detailed Description
lpgbtfpga_downlink - Downlink wrapper (top level)
The lpgbtfpga_downlink module implements the logic required for the data encoding as required by the lpGBT for the downlink path (Back-END to Front-END) and split the frame to be compliant with the transceiver interface.
Definition at line 21 of file lpgbtfpga_downlink.vhd.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /mnt/lpgbt-fpga-sources/lpgbtfpga_downlink.vhd
Entities | |
behavioral | architecture |
lpgbtfpga_downlink - Downlink wrapper (top level) More... | |
Libraries | |
ieee | |
Include the IEEE VHDL standard LIBRARY. |
Use Clauses | |
ieee.std_logic_1164.all | |
work.lpgbtfpga_package.all | |
Include the LpGBT-FPGA specific package. |
Generics | |
c_multicyleDelay | integer range 0 to 7 := 3 |
Multicycle delay: Used to relax the timing constraints. | |
c_clockRatio | integer := 8 |
Clock ratio is clock_out / 40 (shall be an integer - E.g.: 320/40 = 8) | |
c_outputWidth | integer |
Transceiver's word size (Typically 32 bits) |
Ports | |
clk_i | in std_logic |
Downlink datapath clock (Transceiver Tx User clock, typically 320MHz) | |
clkEn_i | in std_logic |
Clock enable (1 pulse over 8 clock cycles when encoding runs @ 320Mhz) | |
rst_n_i | in std_logic |
Downlink reset SIGNAL (Tx ready from the transceiver) | |
userData_i | in std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) |
Downlink data (User) | |
ECData_i | in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 ) |
Downlink EC field. | |
ICData_i | in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 ) |
Downlink IC field. | |
mgt_word_o | out std_logic_vector ( ( c_outputWidth - 1 ) downto 0 ) |
Downlink encoded frame (IC + EC + User Data + FEC) | |
interleaverBypass_i | in std_logic |
Bypass downlink interleaver (test purpose only) | |
encoderBypass_i | in std_logic |
Bypass downlink FEC (test purpose only) | |
scramblerBypass_i | in std_logic |
Bypass downlink scrambler (test purpose only) | |
rdy_o | out std_logic |
Downlink ready status. |